Thursday, June 25, 2009

Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals

Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals Quote: This book contains a collection of general mathematical results, formulas, and integrals thatoccur throughout applications of mathematics. Many of the entries are based on the updatedfifth edition of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik’s ”Tables of Integrals, Series, and Products,” thoughduring the preparation of the book, results were also taken from various other reference works.
The material has been arranged in a straightforward manner, and for the convenience of theuser a quick reference list of the simplest and most frequently used results is to be found inChapter 0 at the front of the book. Tab marks have been added to pages to identify the twelvemain subject areas into which the entries have been divided and also to indicate the maininterconnections that exist between them. Keys to the tab marks are to be found inside thefront and back covers.
The Table of Contents at the front of the book is sufficiently detailed to enable rapid locationof the section in which a specific entry is to be found, and this information is supplemented bya detailed index at the end of the book. In the chapters listing integrals, instead of displayingthem in their canonical form, as is customary in reference works, in order to make the tablesmore convenient to use, the integrands are presented in the more general form in which theyare likely to arise.
It is hoped that this will save the user the necessity of reducing a result to acanonical form before consulting the tables. Wherever it might be helpful, material has beenadded explaining the idea underlying a section or describing simple techniques that are oftenuseful in the application of its results.Standard notations have been used for functions, and a list of these together with theirnames and a reference to the section in which they occur or are defined is to be found at thefront of the book. As is customary with tables of indefinite integrals, the additive arbitraryconstant of integration has always been omitted.
The result of an integration may take morethan one form, often depending on the method used for its evaluation, so only the most commonforms are listed.A user requiring more extensive tables, or results involving the less familiar special functions,is referred to the short classified reference list at the end of the book. The list contains worksthe author found to be most useful and which a user is likely to find readily accessible in alibrary, but it is in no sense a comprehensive bibliography. Further specialist references are tobe found in the bibliographies contained in these reference works.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these tables and, whenever possible,results have been checked by means of computer symbolic algebra and integration programs,but the final responsibility for errors must rest with the author.

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